Apple with measuring tape, symbolizing overweight and metabolic syndrome
Celso Pupo/Shutterstock

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Article Abstracts
Jul 26, 2021

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Confronting the Epidemic of Metabolic Syndrome

Article Abstracts
Jun 02, 2024

Metabolic syndrome is on the rise, with some data showing that up to a third of US adults have the condition, which is characterized by obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia—high levels of fat in the blood. It is also linked to type 2 diabetes, which according to 2017 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, afflicts more than 12% of US adults.

The syndrome, considered one of today’s greatest global health challenges, is strongly linked to diet and lifestyle, including increased consumption of fast foods, an increase in sedentary lifestyles, and a decrease in physical activity.

Studies, including one published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine in 2018, show that work-related stress and economic insecurity also play a part in the epidemic. Women suffering depression, anger, and stressful life events run a greater risk of developing the syndrome.

Dietary interventions, such as adoption of a Mediterranean diet and increased exercise, have been shown to be effective in control and prevention of metabolic syndrome. Data from a cross-sectional analysis indicates that following a DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet yields improvements in obesity and lowers the risk for the syndrome.

Early intervention can help prevent the onset of the disorder, so detecting who is at risk is critical. A physical exam, including calculating waist-to-hip ratio, can be a useful indicator prior to any lab testing.


The Institute for Functional Medicine. (n.d.). Lifestyle interventions for patients with metabolic syndrome.

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