
Food, Farming and Nutrition

Jul 07, 2020

Food, Farming and Nutrition

Gunther Hauk, biodynamic bee expert, discusses their survival and ours - Episode 42

Jun 02, 2024

Gunther Hauk, biodynamic bee expert, discusses their survival and ours - Episode 42


Gunther Hauk is the owner of Spikenard Farm and Honeybee Sanctuary in Floyd, VA., a non-profit farm and organization whose mission is to promote sustainable and biodynamic beekeeping through education, research and a honeybee sanctuary, where people can experience a beautiful landscape in which honeybees and other pollinators can live, heal and thrive.

Gunther was featured in the film, "Queen of the Sun: What are the bees telling us?"  which takes us on a journey through the catastrophic disappearance of honeybees and the mysterious world of the beehive.

In this podcast episode Jeffrey and Gunther discuss the amazing universe of bees and and the intricate and interdependent relationship they hold with humans and our environment.

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