Mindfulness concept, text written on the sand of beach

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Journal Abstracts
Dec 14, 2022

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Mindfulness for Anxiety: Better than Antidepressants?

Journal Abstracts
Jun 02, 2024

Anxiety disorders are common, and can be highly distressing conditions that impair the quality of life for those who suffer from them. Although treatments exist, many people do not access or respond to them. Mindfulness-based interventions, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) are popular and can decrease anxiety, but it has been unknown how they compare to standard first-line treatments.

In a new randomized clinical trial of 276 adults with anxiety disorders, researchers found that a guided, eight-week MBSR program was just as effective as escitalopram (Lexapro), a commonly used first-line psychopharmacological treatment, for treating anxiety disorder.

MBSR is easy to learn and highly effective for anxiety as well as many other conditions including depression, insomnia, and chronic pain.


Hoge, E., et al. (2022, November 9). Mindfulness-based stress reduction vs escitalopram for the treatment of adults with anxiety disorders. JAMA Psychiatry. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/2798510   

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