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Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Article Abstracts
Mar 30, 2022

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Reiki for Cancer Patients

Article Abstracts
Jun 01, 2024

There has been a growing body of research on the benefits of Reiki for cancer patients, which may confirm what many have anecdotally experienced—a reduction in pain and anxiety following Reiki treatments.

Reiki for Cancer Patients

One of the earliest pieces published on Reiki and cancer was a 1997 study that looked at the feasibility of Reiki for managing pain caused by cancer and other issues. All 20 participants displayed a highly significant reduction in pain following their Reiki treatments.

Another study published in 2003 looked at Reiki for pain management in advanced cancer patients. Patients were randomly assigned to receiver either a standard opioid plus rest or a standard opioid plus Reiki. Patients who received the Reiki reported a significant reduction in pain and improved quality of life compared with those who received only rest.

A three-year study published in 2011 examined the effects of Reiki on pain, anxiety, and general wellness in 118 oncology patients. All the patients received at least one Reiki session, and a subgroup of 22 patients received the full series of four Reiki sessions.

The researchers found Reiki sessions were helpful for improving:

  • Well-being
  • Relaxation
  • Pain relief
  • Quality of sleep
  • Anxiety levels

The subgroup who received the full series of Reiki sessions patients showed the most significant reductions in pain and anxiety, which supports the idea that Reiki may have a cumulative effect when a patient receives a series of treatments. The researchers concluded that offering Reiki in hospitals may address patients’ physical and emotional needs.

Reiki for Breast Cancer

A 2017 study examined the effects of a positive mindset on pre-surgery breast cancer patients who received Reiki as a complementary therapeutic intervention and determined that self-efficacy (i.e., belief in one’s own capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments) enhanced the effect of Reiki treatments.

Patients who had higher confidence in a positive outcome showed a more positive effect of Reiki treatment on their anxiety levels and overall mood.

Reiki for Pain and Anxiety

A 2014 literature review looked at the effect of Reiki on pain and anxiety in adults. Only seven studies were found to fit the researchers’ criteria:

  • Four articles on Reiki for cancer patients
  • One study of Reiki for post-surgical patients
  • Two studies on Reiki for older adults

Although the sample size was small and more research is needed, the authors concluded that Reiki could be helpful for pain and anxiety.

Until more research is conducted, cancer patients can try Reiki for themselves and see if it improves their pain and anxiety.


International Association of Reiki Professionals. (n.d.). Reiki and cancer research.

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