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Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Article Abstracts
Mar 10, 2020

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Stress and Hormonal Dysfunction

Article Abstracts
Jun 01, 2024

Hormone dysregulation can cause profound imbalances throughout the body; they influence mood, behavior, and cognitive abilities. Certain lifestyle factors such as nutrition, air pollution, and chronic stress may disrupt hormone balance, but lifestyle factors can also be altered to reverse hormonal dysfunction.

The adrenal hormones have a large influence over other hormones, causing functional medicine practitioners to “start with the adrenals” when addressing hormone imbalances. Stress can precipitate hormone imbalances, thus lifestyle factors can assist with hormone modulation. Research has shown that lower levels of stress biomarkers are found with the use of stress-reducing techniques like meditation and massage.

Physical activity is another lifestyle factor that plays a role in hormone balance. Exercise is associated with decreased levels of stress and increased levels of muscle-maintaining hormones that decline with age. For patients who are unable to perform vigorous exercise, regular walking may improve hormone levels and improve strength.

The Institute for Functional Medicine offers a course called Hormone Advanced Practice Module to help clinicians leverage these and other strategies for restoring hormonal balance before resorting to hormone replacement therapy.



The Institute for Functional Medicine. (n.d.). Chronic stress and hormone disruption. Retrieved from https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/atp-chronic-stress-and-hormone-disruption/

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