woman receives Reiki

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Article Abstracts
Jun 28, 2019

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Treating Pancreatic Cancer with ICAM and/or Conventional Medicine

Article Abstracts
Jun 14, 2024

Pancreatic cancer patients deserve the treatment and care that makes them feel their best. This might include approaches like meditation, yoga, or taking dietary supplements—which fall under the umbrella of integrative, complementary, or alternative medicine (ICAM)—in addition to conventional medicine approaches of surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation.

ICAM goes beyond conventional medicine and is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Research suggests that ICAM approaches may help control symptoms and side effects. 

Integrative medicine combines conventional medicine with other forms of medicine that, through research, are proven to be safe and potentially effective. An example of this is acupuncture, which can lessen chemotherapy side effects like nausea and pain. Patients typically receive both integrative and conventional medicine at the same healthcare facility.

Like integrative medicine, complementary medicine is used alongside conventional medicine. Examples of complementary medicine include meditation, special teas, spiritual healing, therapeutic massages, and relaxation techniques. These are often administered separately from the patient’s primary healthcare facility.

Unlike integrative and complementary medicine, alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. An example would be following a specific diet to try to treat the cancer. 

Recent evidence suggests that an alarming number of Americans believe alternative medicines can cure cancer, whereas scientific data suggests the opposite. There are no alternative medicines that have been shown to effectively treat pancreatic cancer. If you’re considering ICAM, be sure to discuss it with your healthcare team first.


Medina, T. (2019, February 20). The facts about integrative, complementary or alternative medicine. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Retrieved from https://www.pancan.org/news/the-facts-about-integrative-complementary-or-alternative-medicine/

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