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Maple Syrup Diet

maple syrup in glass bottle

The maple syrup diet is a diet that involves drinking a mixture of maple syrup, lemon juice, water, and cayenne pepper instead of eating food. The diet is usually followed for 7-10 days.

Some people use the maple syrup diet for obesity and to remove toxins from the body, but there is no good scientific evidence to support its use.

Is It Effective?

Effectiveness header

NatMed Pro rates effectiveness based on scientific evidence according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate.

Insufficient evidence
  • Obesity. Early research in overweight women shows that following the maple syrup diet for 7 days reduces body weight and body fat. But it doesn't seem to matter if real lemon juice or lemon flavoring is used.
  • Other conditions.

More evidence is needed to rate the maple syrup diet for these uses.

Is it Safe?


The maple syrup diet requires a person to drink a special mixture of maple syrup and lemon juice instead of eating food. This reduces the number of calories a person consumes, which leads to weight loss. Some people also claim that the maple syrup diet can remove toxins from the body and improve health in other ways. But there is no good scientific evidence to support these claims.


The maple syrup diet is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. It does not provide adequate nutrition and may cause a person to develop nutritional deficiencies.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: The maple syrup diet is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when pregnant or breast-feeding. It does not provide adequate nutrition for either the mom or the baby.

Drug interactions

It is not known if this diet interacts with any medicines.

Before using this diet, talk with your health professional if you take any medications.

Herb interactions

There are no known interactions with herbs and supplements.

Food interactions

There are no known interactions with foods.


The maple syrup diet involves drinking a special mixture. The drink is made by mixing two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, two tablespoons of maple syrup, 1/10 of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and eight ounces of water. A person is encouraged to drink 6-10 glasses a day, and can drink more when feeling hungry. This diet is usually followed for 7-10 days.

Other names

Lemon Detox Diet, Lemonade Diet, Master Cleanse, The Master Cleanser Diet.


Information on this website is for informational use only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While evidence-based, it is not guaranteed to be error-free and is not intended to meet any particular user’s needs or requirements or to cover all possible uses, safety concerns, interactions, outcomes, or adverse effects. Always check with your doctor or other medical professional before making healthcare decisions (including taking any medication) and do not delay or disregard seeking medical advice or treatment based on any information displayed on this website.

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