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Volumetrics Diet

hands holding a cup cake and an apple

The Volumetrics diet is a diet and lifestyle plan. It is focused on helping a person to feel full while dieting. In order to do this, it allows a person to eat large amounts of certain types of foods while limiting other foods.

The Volumetrics diet is used for obesity and general weight loss, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

Is It Effective?

Effectiveness header

NatMed Pro rates effectiveness based on scientific evidence according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate.

Insufficient evidence
  • Obesity.
  • Other conditions.

More evidence is needed to rate the Volumetrics diet for these uses.

Is it Safe?


The Volumetrics diet focuses on making sure that a person feels full while dieting. It helps a person to find enjoyable foods that are low in calories that can be eaten in large amounts. The diet also allows other foods to be eaten in small amounts. When these rules are followed, a person will eat fewer calories, which should help with weight loss.


There isn't enough reliable information to know if the Volumetrics diet is safe or what the side effects might be. But there is no reason to expect safety issues as long as nutritional needs are met.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if the Volumetrics diet is safe when used during pregnancy or breast-feeding. But there is no reason to expect safety issues as long as nutritional needs are met.

Drug interactions

It is not known if this diet interacts with any medicines.

Before using this diet, talk with your health professional if you take any medications.

Herb interactions

There are no known interactions with herbs and supplements.

Food interactions

There are no known interactions with foods.


The Volumetrics diet helps people to figure out if the foods that they enjoy are high in calories or low in calories. Foods that are low in calories but take up a lot of space, such as soups, vegetables, and nonfat dairy, can be eaten in large amounts. Foods that are high in calories but don't take up a lot of space, such as cookies, crackers, candies, and chips, can be eaten in small amounts. The Volumetrics diet also encourages people to exercise.

Other names

Ultimate Volumetrics Diet.


Information on this website is for informational use only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While evidence-based, it is not guaranteed to be error-free and is not intended to meet any particular user’s needs or requirements or to cover all possible uses, safety concerns, interactions, outcomes, or adverse effects. Always check with your doctor or other medical professional before making healthcare decisions (including taking any medication) and do not delay or disregard seeking medical advice or treatment based on any information displayed on this website.

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