Health & Well-Being A-Z


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Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status is a label used by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

If a substance has GRAS status, this means that the substance is considered safe when added to foods in expected amounts. If a manufacturer wants to add a substance to a food, they must apply for approval from the FDA unless that substance is already on the GRAS list. The FDA grants GRAS status after reviewing the evidence for safety.

GRAS status does not indicate whether or not a substance is safe when used in larger amounts than what is generally expected, or when used as a supplement. It also does not indicate whether a substance is safe when applied topically or inhaled.

Is It Effective?


GRAS status is granted to many different food additives that are considered to be safe. The effectiveness of these substances is not considered as part of GRAS status. See specific topics for more information.

Is it Safe?


GRAS status indicates that a substance is generally safe when it is added to foods in expected amounts, typically as a flavoring or for coloring. It does not indicate whether or not a substance is safe when added to foods in larger amounts or when used as a supplement. It also does not indicate whether a substance is safe when applied topically or inhaled. Some people might be allergic to substances that are considered GRAS.

See specific topics for safety information.

Drug interactions

GRAS status is granted to many different substances. See specific topics for interaction information.

Herb interactions

GRAS status is granted to many different substances. See specific topics for interaction information.

Food interactions

GRAS status is granted to many different substances. See specific topics for interaction information.

Other names

Generally Recognized as Safe.


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