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woman demonstrating Siddha meditation

Siddha is an ancient system of medicine that comes from Southern India. It commonly involves herbs, yoga, exercise, and meditation with controlled breathing.

Siddha has many similarities to Ayurvedic medicine, a system of medicine that originated in Northern India. Siddha is not a recognized or licensed health profession in North America.

Siddha uses a wide variety of methods to diagnose and treat many different medical conditions. The evidence supporting its use varies for each treatment and condition.

Is It Effective?


Siddha is an ancient system of medicine that uses a variety of treatments including herbs, specific combinations of herbal ingredients, meditation, cupping, and bloodletting. See specific therapies for effectiveness information.

Is it Safe?


Siddha is an ancient system of medicine that uses a variety of treatments including herbs, specific combinations of herbal ingredients, meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises. Some of these are safe while others may not be. See specific therapies for safety information.

Drug interactions

See specific therapies for information about interactions with medications.

Herb interactions

See specific therapies for information about interactions with herbs and supplements.

Food interactions

See specific therapies for information about interactions with foods.


Siddha teaches that the universe and the human body are composed of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and sky. In Siddha, there are three forces that regulate body functions. Practitioners of Siddha believe disease occurs when there is an imbalance in these forces. The focus of treatment is on the whole person, and balancing or harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit.

Like Ayurveda, Siddha uses herbs or specific combinations of herbal ingredients to help balance bodily processes. Siddha also uses diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, yoga, and meditation to treat illness.

Other names



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