CBD: A Grower's Perspective with the HMN Twin Cities, MN Chapter
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Event Overview: You have seen the signs all over for CBD and have heard it is the next big thing and it will change your life. But what is it really? Where does it come from and how do I know I am purchasing a good product? Matt and Casey Ruckheim were first time hemp growers in 2019 and will share their unique perspective as growers and product developers. The Ruckheim’s used the CBD oil from their own hemp crop to create a high quality line of CBD products through their new company R Bottled Gold (www.rbottledgold.com). Join us for a behind the scenes look at CBD and going forward you will have the peace of mind when you decide to purchase a CBD product.
About our organization: Holistic Moms Network is a non-profit national organization that connects parents who are passionate about holistic health and green living. The Twin Cities Chapter holds monthly meetings the third Wed of each month, 7-9 pm. No matter where you are on your parenting or holistic journey, you are welcome! Children are welcome. To contact the Twin Cities Chapter, or for more info, an event calendar, and a map to our meeting location, visit http://twincitiesmn.holisticmoms.org or e-mail tcholisticmoms@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook at