Mouth Elements that Trigger Whole Body Health or Disease- Holistic Moms Network Montgomery County, MD Chapter
Traditional Ayurvedic, Tibetan or Chinese Medicine does not focus on disease but rather on unbalancing factors that disturb the equilibrium, harmony, and peace in the entire body. Using the five elements as their guide and tools to rebalance and rejuvenate an ailing person, these ancient physicians left wonderful guidelines towards self-healing that can be used by anyone even today. These guidelines once understood and used properly can help anyone prevent disease and maintain health in all spectrums of life.
The mouth is a portal that gives a glimpse into the good, bad and ugly within the body. Since mouth is the only portal that can be opened and viewed directly, it is a very good diagnostic indicator of visible and invisible disease.
- Learn how teeth alignment can cause or heal pain in whole body.
- Learn how just five (5) elements can heal when in harmony and wreck havoc when in disharmony.
- Learn about teeth trigger points that can kill a tooth, trigger nerve and muscle damage, and accelerate TMJ and migraine problems.
- Learn about technology that is available that can detect future problems using heat maps and wear analysis.
- Could early and timely teeth intervention save you widespread problems, including hip or knee replacement, in the future?
Come and join us to find answers to these and more.
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The Holistic Moms Network is a nonprofit support and discussion network. Our mission, as a membership-based 501(c)(3) organization, is to connect parents, both in-person and online. We encourage parenting from the heart, natural health, and green living. We welcome people wherever they are on their own holistic path in an environment that does not judge. Our local communities are led by volunteer community organizers, and gather at least once a month. Everyone is welcome to attend an event or two before becoming a donating member. For a $30 tax-deductible annual donation, you gain access to your local chapter monthly gatherings, local and national online groups, group purchasing options, and other local offerings and national member benefits. Membership scholarships are available. Learn more at https://www.holisticmoms.org/connect/