Self-care Wisdom Circle with Holistic-minded Parents hosted by the HMN New Haven County-Southwest & Greater Danbury, CT Chapters
In this time of great stressors, it is even more important that we make time to nurture ourselves. On April 20 at 7:30 p.m., join the New Haven County chapter of Holistic Moms Network on Zoom as we gather virtually to talk about questions, ideas, insights and local self-care resources that have helped us this year and in the past with our struggles and successes on our holistic paths.
This is a chance for those interested in finding other holistic-minded parents in the Connecticut area to network with and get to know each other in an informal way. The chapter co-leaders will lead discussions about what, where, when and how you facilitate your own self-care.
The New Haven County Chapter is excited to team up with the soon-to-relaunch Greater Danbury Chapter as a co-host for our April event. They are looking to relaunch the chapter in the near future as a resource for holistic-minded parents in the Danbury area. Are you interested in being involved? The chapter is currently looking for a co-leader and passionate volunteers to get this great networking and educational chapter up and running again. Please reach out to connect. Like their Facebook page as well so you get the latest info when they relaunch.
Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3gdfM9u
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. * Download the free zoom app BEFORE the event. Start at zoom.us * You may want to close all other open windows and restart your device prior to starting the event. * If you have trouble connecting, please try again.
The mission of Holistic Moms Network, a nonprofit support and discussion network, is to connect parents who are interested in holistic health and green living. It welcomes people wherever they are on their own holistic path in an environment that does not judge. The monthly meetings, open to the public, are the third Tuesday of each month. While they usually take place in person at the Woodruff YMCA in Milford, Connecticut, the monthly meetings are currently offered through Zoom.
For more information, visit HolisticMoms.org or Facebook.com/HMNNewHaven. RSVP for the event on the Events page on Facebook.com/HMNNewHaven.