The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Seal of Approval


Effective carpet cleaning systems, solutions and products as well as vacuum cleaners and extractors


To educate consumers, commercial stakeholders and the industry about carpet and rugs. From health benefits and environmental efforts to trends and advice, we are here to inform our members and their customers. CRI initiatives help protect air quality, carpet's lifespan and lead to smarter buying decisions on cleaners and equipment. We're proud to be the foremost source for carpet information - based on fact and science, guided by principle.

Applied Standards

There are seven performance attributes SOA products are evaluated on: Soil Removal Efficacy: How effective is the product at removing soil? Resoiling: Does the cleaned sample attract soil at an accelerated rate or not? (solutions and systems) Residual Moisture: Does the extractor or cleaning system remove most of the moisture that results from a wet cleaning process? Surface Appearance Change: Does the product leave the carpet minimally changed after multiple cleanings? (vacuums and extractors) Colorfastness: Does the product cause a color change in the carpet fiber? (solutions and systems) pH Level: Is the level between 4 and 10 on a pH scale? (solutions and systems) Optical Brighteners: Does the product contain optical brighteners? None are allowed for SOA certification. (solutions and systems)


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