Certified Vegan


To educate consumers about the benefits of veganism, ease the transition into veganism, increase the availability of vegan products in the marketplace, and support a lifelong dedication to veganism.

Applied Standards

Products may not contain or be sourced from leather, fur, silk, feathers, down, bone, horn, shell, wool, cashmere, shearling, angora, animal skin, suede, or mohair. Liquids such as beer, wine, and fruit juices may not be filtered or clarified with animal products. Products must not have involved animal testing of ingredients or finished products by the supplier, producer, manufacturer, or independent party and may not be tested in the future. Products may not contain any animal-derived GMO's or animal-derived genes used to manufacture ingredients or finished product. In addition,companies must submit and have approved by the Vegan Awareness Foundation that acceptable steps are taken to thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces, vessels, utensils, and machinery used between vegan and non-vegan production cycles to minimize cross-contamination if shared machinery is used.


A certification mark does not pertain to the whole company, but only to the individual product. Certified vegan products could be non-organic, contain petroleum products, and contain hydrogenated oils.


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