

To provide certification to gluten-free products.

Applied Standards

All products must contain 10 ppm or less of gluten. "All ingredients utilized in GFCO certified products are required to go through a stringent review process of approval. All ingredients must contain 10ppm or less of gluten." No barely based ingredients. Companies must continually test their products and their high-risk raw materials/equipment. Annual inspection/submit testing results of products. Companies must comply "with all government regulations for allergens, gluten-free labeling and Good Manufacturing Practices".


"May contain wheat" marks products that handle wheat in their facility but separate it from gluten-free products/production. "Processed on shared equipment with wheat" marks products that are made in facilities that also process wheat but take strict cleaning protocols and testing requirements. "Contains wheat" marks products that contain a gluten-free component of wheat (wheat starch, wheat grass).


An industry program of the Gluten Intolerance Group (501(c)3)


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