Paleo Approved- Sheep


The Paleo Approved Certification Program certifies Farms and Ranches that meet requirements for species-appropriate diet, and environmentally beneficial husbandry practices. Differing from other Paleo Certifications, Paleo Approved Standards vary by species.

Applied Standards

Grass fed Sheep, also called Pasture-Raised Sheep, Pasture-Grown or Grass-Finished sheep. Sheep are raised and finished on pesticide-free, synthetic fertilizer-free pasture, comprised of grasses, and forage, without having access or consuming grain of any type. Feed should not include corn, cereal grains, milk replacers containing antibiotics and growth hormones, non-protein sources of nitrogen, antibiotics, hormones. Farmers must comply with any local, state, and federal requirements for sheep production. Paleo Approved Program Requirements do not preclude the Veterinary Practices Act of their State. All sheep must be pasture-raised, antibiotic free, and hormone-free. All Shipping, Management of Slaughter Facilities, and Processing Guidelines must coincide with aforementioned Paleo Approved requirements. Paleo Approved Requirements must not be compromised by slaughterhouse management or employees. Producers must have products processed by a Certified Paleo Approved Operation. The following are Paleo Approved guidelines to ensure compliance throughout.Derogation may be granted for operations that can demonstrate acceptable deviations from the standards, approved by the Paleo Foundation. Derogation may be granted for operations that have a plan to meet Paleo Approved Program Standards within a reasonable timeframe, and have already taken steps towards its implementation.


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