Cyrex Array 2 Intestinal Permeability Screen™ Deep Dive with Dr. Elroy Vojdani, Dr. Jeffrey Bland, and Dr. Aristo Vojdani
What You Get in This Bootcamp
- How do you test for and protect this critical area?
- How do you reduce the risk of autoimmunity by understanding intestinal permeability?
- How do you support the intestinal immune system?
- What is the exposome and how does it play into symptoms and chronic disease?
- What is the latest literature saying about gut health?
Join us as we answer these questions and dive deep into the immune connection, toxins, and food immune reactivity. The Cyrex Array 2 Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen™ is the perfect test for patients with multiple symptoms, autoimmune diseases, or food sensitivities/intolerances. It provides important information about the integrity of the intestinal barrier and helps you determine if intestinal permeability is playing a role in the patient’s disease at-large. This course includes six Live Classes with Dr. Jeffery Bland, Dr. Elroy Vojdani, & Dr. Aristo Vojdani.
Learn more and register here.