Mental and Behavioral Well-Being

Mental and Behavioral Well-Being
Antidepressants: Think Twice
Chances are you know someone who suffers from depression. Worldwide, depression is the most commonly diagnosed illness and is the leading cause of disability and functional impairment. The use of anti-depressants has quadrupled since 1987.
Contrary to popular opinion, depression is not an illness, according to psychiatrist and brain-imaging pioneer Dr. Daniel Amen and health and fitness expert Tana Amen, BSN, RN, the forces behind Amen Clinics, a provider of brain imaging and mental health services. They believe depression is a cluster of symptoms that include low energy, avoidance/withdrawal from social situations, difficulty concentrating, overeating or decreased appetite, and sleep disturbances.
Many people turn to medication to relieve their depressive symptoms, but they would be wise to explore other options first, say the Amens. Anti-depressive and anti-anxiety medications can become addictive and may affect your ability to get health insurance or life insurance.
Paradoxically, while medications can reduce the negative emotions associated with depression, they may also numb more positive emotions of happiness and joy and can inhibit sexual function. Alternative options to anti-depressants include Omega-3 supplements, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, vitamins, nutrition modification, increasing exposure to sunlight, improving sleep habits, and utilizing social support.
Those suffering from depression would be wise to have their blood work checked, as low iron, low thyroid, low cholesterol, and a deficiency in crucial vitamins such as vitamin D and vitamin B may all contribute to the symptoms of depression.
Amen, D., & Amen, T. (2019, October 28). Taking antidepressants: The pros & cons [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://brainwarriorswaypodcast.com/taking-antidepressants-the-pros-and-cons/
For additional information, visit https://brainmd.com/ ; https://www.amenclinics.com/; http://danielamenmd.com/; https://brainwarriorswaypodcast.com/