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WELLthier Living and Aging

Article Abstracts
Sep 30, 2021

WELLthier Living and Aging

Good Sex Linked to a Longer Life

Article Abstracts
Apr 25, 2024

Finally, some really good news . . . more sex can lead to a longer life, according to Blue Zones, the organization that identifies the world’s longest-lived cultures and researches their populations and lifestyles to find out the secrets to their longevity. 

In fact, Blue Zones found an astounding 80% of people in Ikaria, Greece, between 65 and 100 years old are having sex, and they were "doing it" without the help of sexual performance drugs. Two other studies, one of men and the other of women, found that frequency of orgasm in each group was linked to lower mortality rates. The men in the study who experienced frequent orgasms had half the coronary heart disease mortality risk, while the other study of 1,500 Americans found that orgasm frequency was somewhat protective against mortality risk for middle-aged married women.

A heart-healthy lifestyle and plant-based diet, such as the Dean Ornish diet, are also great for your sexual health. The diet focuses on flavor and energy-boosting qualities as well as nutrition and weight.  Blue Zones noted that the longest-living people, which includes those from certain towns in California, Japan, Costa Rica, and Sardinia in Italy, eat a plant-based diet.  

Further, a study found that men who followed a diet similar to those living in blue zones—plenty of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains and little red meat and processed foods—were less likely to experience erectile dysfunction (ED), which make sense as ED is an early indicator of heart disease and poor vascular function.


Kotifani, A. (n.d.). The link between good sex, good health, and longevity. Blue Zones.

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