Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine
Nocturia: An Underlying Condition of Sleep Disruption
Stress isn’t the only thing causing sleep disturbance during the time of COVID-19. Frequent nighttime urination, known as nocturia, is a condition that disrupts sleep throughout the course of the night. Although very common, one survey showed 62% of Americans do not know that this is a medical condition with potential treatment, and 66% of sufferers had never talked to a doctor about their symptoms. However, studies suggest treatment can improve quality of life.
The sleep disturbance caused by nocturia can have negative health effects for patients who are waking up two or more times per night to urinate, especially when waking early in the night when our most restorative sleep takes place. The condition is correlated with increased risk of depression and mortality.
For people without underlying renal challenges, nocturia is more likely to occur in certain groups:
- Men with enlarged prostates
- Individuals over age 60
- People with sleep apnea
Researchers have also established a connection between nocturia and people with high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.
Lifestyle interventions, such as reducing intake of liquid, caffeine, and alcohol, reducing smoking, and incorporating exercise, have been shown to reduce symptoms in many patients. If these interventions have been considered, next steps may include nutrition interventions, testing for metabolic syndrome, screening for erectile dysfunction in men, and use of a nighttime bladder diary.
The Institute for Functional Medicine. (2020). Underlying conditions of sleep disruption in the age of COVID-19. Retrieved from https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/lifestyle-nocturia-more-than-just-a-nuisance/