WELLthier Living and Aging

WELLthier Living and Aging
Taurine Has Anti-Aging and Longevity Potential
Taurine, one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, is vital for health of the eyes, muscles, brain, and heart. Research has also found that taurine abundance decreases with age, suggesting that it has a critical role in longevity and healthspan.
In a new study published in the journal Science, researchers found that taurine supplementation improved the lifespan and healthspan of mice. They supplemented middle-aged mice with taurine and saw improvements in bone, muscle, pancreas, brain, fat, gut, and immune function. Median life expectancy also increased by 10 to 12% and about 18 to 25% at 18 months. Similar effects were observed in monkeys and cellular worms. The researchers also found a link between lower circulating taurine levels and higher risk for type 2 diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.
The researchers speculate that taurine’s anti-aging and disease-preventing benefits could be due to its effects on reducing cellular senescence (cell death), inflammation, DNA damage, mitochondrial dysfunction, and other hallmarks of aging. They also found that a bout of exercise increased concentrations of taurine metabolite levels in the blood, which may partially explain the anti-aging effects of exercise.
While more research is needed on taurine supplementation, dietary sources can be prioritized. Shellfish (scallops, clams, and muscles) are the best dietary source of taurine, followed by lamb, beef, pork, and chicken.
Singh, P., et al. (2023, June 9). Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging. Science. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn9257