WELLthier Living and Aging

WELLthier Living and Aging
Treating PANDAS in Children
One of the most mysterious disorders afflicting children across the globe is Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated Streptococcus, or PANDAS. What makes PANDAS such an enigma is that it is difficult to diagnose. The range of symptoms include behavior changes, irrational fear, obsessive-compulsive disorder, tics, bouts of rage, urinary issues, and separation anxiety.
PANDAS is caused by the child’s immune system attacking their brain for unknown reasons. Although it starts with a strep infection, it is not strep that causes harm to the brain but the antibodies that develop to ward off the infection. Much success has been found using neurofeedback technology of light and sound therapy to help children with PANDAS after the infection is eliminated.
In a recent two-part webinar hosted by Clear Mind Neurofeedback System, PANDAS specialist Dr. Cynthia Keller, a pediatrician in Kirkland, Washington, said PANDAS can occur when a child contracts a strep infection of any kind. The body creates antibodies to fight the infection which then cross the blood brain barrier and attack the brain. This leads to sudden mood changes and loss of cognitive skills that significantly impact quality of life.
Neurofeedback technology uses lights and sound to calm the overworked brain and improve focus.
Dr. Keller says it’s crucial that physicians treat the strep infection first, making sure the child’s environment is free from the bacteria. After the infection has subsided, the immune system needs to be calmed so the antibodies can cease their siege on the brain. According to Dr. Keller, treatment entails listening to the child and observing what their body is revealing so the right protocol can be applied. She contends that the child’s brain wants to heal and has the resiliency of youth to help them return to normalcy. Neurofeedback holds the brain steady so the child is not as volatile and can recover.
Dr. Keller says she has been using the Clear Mind Neurofeedback System brain trainer for nearly a decade. The neurofeedback technology uses lights and sound to calm the overworked brain and improve focus. The sessions are 20 minutes each and work to improve memory, cognition, stress, sleep, and help overall health and mental function. After 15 to 20 sessions, something clicks, and the results become more permanent.
While recurrence of the condition can occur with exposure to strep infection, awareness of symptoms can lead to early treatment. With patience and the diligent team effort of parents, caregivers, and clinicians, PANDAS can be healed, and the child can lead a normal life.
Clear Mind Center. (2020, July 1). Kids and PANDAS: How to treat them: Follow-up questions and answers [Virtual event]. Retrieved from https://www.clearmindfocus.com/