Food, Farming and Nutrition

Food, Farming and Nutrition
Unpacking the Keto Diet
To some, the ketogenic, or keto, diet is the latest fad in weight loss, but in fact the popular diet has been around since the 1920s, when it was used for the treatment of epilepsy.
Studies have also shown that the diet has a range of benefits for brain health. Improvements have been shown in symptoms of depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and ADD/ADHD.
The principle of the diet is to reduce calories from carbohydrates while increasing those from protein and fat. Easily digestible carbs—like sugar, soda, white bread— should be avoided. When carbs are in short supply in the body, a process called ketosis occurs by which protein and fat are broken down, causing weight loss, as it takes more calories to convert fat, than carbs, into energy.
But there are downsides to the diet, which is low in dietary fiber. Insufficient fiber can cause problems in the gut with proliferation of bad bacteria. Gut imbalances are known to increase anxiety, depression, and fatigue. It is also believed that the keto diet can cause hormonal imbalances in women, leading to mood instability.
Thyroid disfunction is another possible side effect of the diet. Although results are mixed, some studies have indicated a change in thyroid levels in adherents to the diet. An underactive thyroid is linked to depression and more serious mental illnesses, while an overactive thyroid can lead to anxiety and even mania. It’s advisable that people with thyroid problems consult a healthcare professional about the advisability of embarking on a keto diet.
Amen Clinics. (2020). Is the Keto diet good or bad for brain health? https://www.amenclinics.com/blog/is-the-keto-diet-good-or-bad-for-brain-health/