Beautiful Rainbow Salad
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Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Article Abstracts
Jun 16, 2020

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Functional Nutrition to Prevent and Treat Chronic Illness

Article Abstracts
May 14, 2024

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease make up the majority of illness in middle-age and older populations. These are often treated with pharmaceuticals, but research indicates many of these conditions can be prevented or treated with nutritional interventions known as functional nutrition.

A 2018 study in the journal Nutrition found that wider implementation of Mediterranean-style plant-based diets would lead to improved health outcomes. These diets emphasize consumption of nutrient-dense plants foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts, and minimize processed foods, certain oils, and animal-sourced foods such as meat, dairy, and eggs.

Studies associate a Mediterranean diet with greater gut microbial diversity and a lower risk of hospitalization among cirrhosis patients. High-quality nutrition can, for instance, prevent chronic disease in adolescents and improve outcomes following surgical procedures.

A May 2018 study published in Neurology found that people who eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish may have bigger brains, potentially offsetting age-related shrinkage. A series of articles in the March 2018 issue of the Journal of Gerontology, “Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,” found a positive relationship between the Mediterranean diet and physical and cognitive function, correlating with healthy aging outcomes.

Many physicians are not stressing the importance of plant-based diets as a first-line treatment for chronic illness, as most medical schools do not offer nutritional training as part of the curriculum. However, clinicians can use the evidence-based nutrition strategies of functional nutrition to restore patients’ health and improve outcomes.



The Institute for Functional Medicine. (n.d.) The power of functional nutrition. Retrieved from

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