Veggie Bowl over Coconut Quinoa
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Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Article Abstracts
Jun 11, 2020

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Recipe for Improved Health: Intensive Lifestyle Change

Article Abstracts
Feb 10, 2025

If there were a safe and effective pill (no negative side effects) to prevent or treat the chronic diseases and conditions that plague us, like heart disease, diabetes, and depression, it would fly off the shelves.

According to physician and researcher Dr. Dean Ornish, there is such a remedy: intensive lifestyle change. Apart from the basics of nutrition and exercise, the program addresses emotional and social health, which studies show is closely linked to disease risk and premature death.

The challenge is twofold: Many doctors think this treatment strategy is difficult to teach while patients think it’s difficult to do. But with knowledge and action, programs like Dr. Ornish’s are not only doable but essential for good health.

What’s involved in the nine-week program is nutrition and meal prep instruction focused on a plant-based, low-refined-carb, and low-trans-fat diet. Three to five hours of physical activity and two or three strength-training session per week is suggested. Emotional and social health is tackled with training in communications skills, stress management, and relaxation.

Key to the success of a lifestyle change program is that the patient truly buys into it and finds it meaningful and pleasurable. Threats and warnings from healthcare providers are less likely to work than encouragement and guidance.  


Tello, M. (2020, May 20). Intensive lifestyle change: It works, and it’s more than diet and exercise. Harvard Health.…

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